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Art behind Bars

Thomas Büsch
The Turkish cultural scene and justice. In the so-called Gezi trial, Osman Kavala was sentenced to life imprisonment and with him seven other artists were sentenced to 18 years in prison. „Tracks“ meets musicians like Fungistanbul and 2/5 BZ as well as the artist Zehra Doğan. arte, Tracks, July 2022  

The Turkish Referendum

Thomas Büsch
A path to dictatorship? On 16 April, the Turkish people will decide on the introduction of a presidential system to further strengthen the powers of President Erdoğan. As the referendum divides a whole nation, „ARTE Re:“ shows: Erdoğan’s referendum – a path to dictatorship? 30 min. HD arte RE – 13. April 2017

Election in Turkey

Thomas Büsch
5:30 Min., arte Metropolis, 1.11.2015 A short program about artists, actors and journalists in Turkey after the bomb attacks in Ankara, Octobre 2015. Just befor the election on November 1 the art scene in Turkey was rebellious than ever. Despite a ban on demonstrations in Taksim Square, a theater group is performing in memory of […]

Third Mardin Biennial

Thomas Büsch
The Mardin Biennial connects the magnificent city with it’s mythologies this time. In the Video you see Yavuz Tenyeli’s work „The last bridge“. It is located in the Monastry Mor Efrem, an abondened Chaldean convent. Metin Eryilmaz is an assyrian Christian collecting historical daily objects. The collector and his museal home are also part of […]

Gezi Party

Thomas Büsch
arte yourope 7.12.2013 Autor: Sabine Küper-Büsch / Thomas Büsch Anfang 2013 wurde der Istanbuler Gezi-Park zum Symbol der türkischen Protestbewegung gegen den autoritären Staatschef Erdogan. Auf bislang ungekannte Weise begehrte eine breite bürgerliche Schicht gegen Korruption, Willkür und Umweltzerstörung in der Türkei auf. Doch im Herbst wurde es ruhig um die Bewegung. Damit der Geist […]

Cultural Battle in Istanbul

Thomas Büsch
6 Min., arte – metropolis, 22.6.2013 Burning barricades, policemen with truncheons, tear gas, steam and countless injured protesters: Images of the protests around the Taksim Square and Gezi Park in Istanbul, went around the world. But what is behind the uprisin?

Youth Power – Friendship on Cyprus

Thomas Büsch
5 Min., arte – yourope, 6.10.2012 Cyprus has been divided since 1974 – and Nicosia, the last divided capital in the world. The Youth Power program organized here friendship of young people from both parts of the island. The conflicts of the older generation should be eventually overcome through friendships among the youngsters.

Censorship in Turkey

Thomas Büsch
6 Min., arte – metropolis, 16.7.2012 Erdogan, who dabbled in amateur dramatics as a student, has a reputation for wearing his heart on his sleeve. But his tirades against „arrogant, alcoholic actors“ and an arts establishment he claims holds ordinary people in contempt have shocked Turkey. Theatres cannot take government subsidies and then criticise the […]