Forum on Culture and Humanitarian Relief
15 min
Directed by
Sabine Küper-Büsch and Thomas Büsch
Produced by the
Goethe-Institut Amman
Written by
Günther Hasenkamp and Sebastian Fischer
Language consultant
Manuela Thurner PhD
In the fall of autumn 2015, the Goethe-Institut hosted a ”Forum on Culture and Humanitarian Relief” in Amman (Jordan).
The key question: What is the potential of culture in the context of humanitarian relief?
Participants presented a number of cultural projects with refugee and socially disprivileged communities.
The Forum on Culture and Humanitarian Relief, October 4-5, 2015, was organized by the Goethe-Institut Amman and the Goethe-Institut Erbil (Iraq).-
Project team of the Forum:
Dr. Günther Hasenkamp
Omed Arghandiwal
Sebastian Fischer
Dr. Antje Klesse
Karoline Kubanek
Lena Veldscholten
The Goethe-Institut Amman wishes to thank:
Ben Wunsch-Grafton, conference moderator, the rightsholders of the video footage and photography shown in this film for granting permission to use extracts from their work in this documentary, and all participants and supporters of the Forum.
Music from Anouar Brahem, “Le Voyage de Sahar” (ECM Records), performed by Anouar Brahem, Francois Couturier, Jean Louis Matinier
© 2015 by Goethe-Institut